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31st of Aug 2017

Precisely Flexible Positioning


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Accuracy is also important in augmented reality. Solutions from manufacturers such as New Zealand-based Augview can load the as-constructed data from a utility or municipal GIS database to a tablet or smartphone. Using position and orientation from onboard sensors, the software can superimpose the location of underground utilities onto a georeferenced view of an area as seen by the device’s built-in camera. The solution enables field workers to visualise otherwise invisible objects.

Because augmented reality places digital objects into the view of the physical world, users can quickly spot any errors or inconsistencies in the positioning of objects. If these occur too often, users can lose confidence in the solution. Ironically, many users are unwilling or unable to pay for higher precision. But locating buried objects as well as producing the augmented views requires positioning accuracy beyond the capability of most BYOD solutions. As-constructed data is often collected by survey teams and may be more precise that the capability of handheld devices used by utility field technicians. For many clients, factors such as the cost, size and weight of an external GNSS receiver often outweigh the benefits of more accurate positioning. For these users, the software-defined GNSS receiver is an attractive alternative to using high-accuracy GNSS positions.

5th of July 2017

Putting Power in the Surveyor’s Pocket

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Going Beyond GIS

A New Zealand firm is going a step beyond GIS data collection. Auckland-based Augview is blending positioning with 3D modeling to produce in-field augmented reality. For example, many utility companies capture the location of their assets during construction and inspection.

Augview can load the as-constructed data from a utility or municipal GIS database to a tablet or smartphone. Using position and orientation from onboard sensors, Augview can superimpose the location of underground utilities onto a georeferenced view of an area as seen by the device’s built-in camera. The solution enables field workers to visualize otherwise invisible objects.


27th of June 2017

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In November 2014 in See buried infrastructure, with augmented reality we anticipated the application of AR to underground utility location, asking “Can you imagine being able to look down to the ground at your feet and 'see' every bit of buried infrastructure, see whether it's a power cable, gas pipe or a sewer, and how deep it is?”

Just a few months later, in April 2015 in Augmented reality meets underground asset location we reported that augmented reality was becoming a reality, describing how Augview, an app for Android and iOS tablets and smartphones, superimposed images of underground assets on the image of a streetscape captured by the device's camera.

Read full article

7th of May 2017

Future of virtual reality showcased at Auckland expo

The likes of Pokémon Go and Snapchat's filters are launching augmented reality into everyday life, while New Zealand-based company AugView is putting it in the hands of construction workers.  


17th of Sept 2016
Pokémon Go varsler industrielt gennembrud for augmented reality

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Read full article 

10th of Oct 2016
Augview article in the Oct/Nov edition of NZCN


Read the full article
11th of March 2015

Augview wins APSEA award for Innovation and Commercialisation

The judges saw that the application of tactical spatial information into the realm of asset management was a significant step forward in the efficient management of expensive assets in the utility sector. It is hoped that Augview will continue to make inroads into the international market.
APSEA award sm

Spatial awards recognise innovative technology

The 2014 Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA) have recognised some of the most innovative new products and technologies in the market, with augmented reality application Augview taking out the Innovation and Commercialisation Award.

This follows Augview’s success at the inaugural New Zealand Spatial Excellence Awards, where the company took out the Supreme Excellence Award and the award for Innovation and Commercialisation.

Following this win, Augview, along with other State and Country Spatial Excellence Awards winners from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, made up the finalists who were nominated for the 2014 APSEA Awards.

At a Gala Dinner in Brisbane last night, Augview Business Development Manager Melanie Langlotz accepted the award on behalf of the Augview team.

Augview Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Mike Bundock, said:

“The integration of an augmented reality capability into a mobile GIS application opens up enormous opportunities for utilities, councils and underground asset owners to reduce their operating costs, enjoy efficiency gains and improve health and safety outcomes for their employees.

“We’re thrilled that our technology has been recognised at the APSEAs. Augview is achieving new milestones every week, and the rate at which we continue to develop this technology is rapid.

“We look forward to continuing to provide new and existing customers with this transformative technology which is really changing the way the construction and asset management industries relate to the built environment around them.”

Since being launched into the market, Augview is now being used by utilities, contractors and asset managers all around the world, making the task of spatially locating and identifying underground assets considerably easier, and also enabling in-field capture and maintenance of asset data.

About the APSEAs


The APSEAs are unique, in that they are the only awards for the Asia-Pacific region that recognise, at the same event, the excellent achievements of both individuals and organisations engaged in the spatial information industry across the region.

Hosted jointly by SSSI and SIBA, and in conjunction with Locate15, the awards showcase the technical diversity and innovation evident across the spatial industry. For more information on the award finalists for this year, click here.

About Augview


Augview Limited is an augmented reality software development company specialising in the visualisation of asset data. The company provides utility and telecommunications companies with augmented reality capabilities - equipping field service personnel with cutting edge functionality which provides direct business benefits.


Augview Limited was formed in 2012 in response to a large shift in the IT market. Realising that there were a growing number of businesses who were looking for smart mobile solutions that made their workforce more productive using the hardware and technology that they had already adopted, the company decided to focus on the development of a new augmented reality GIS product.

After researching the mobile hardware market it became apparent that the global workforce was on the verge of a major transformation, shifting away from the office workstation and into something much more agile; smartphone and tablet computing. Augview also realised that many of the limitations which in the past had restricted mobile computing were being solved at a rapid rate. As a result the company decided to use their extensive knowledge of the utility, telecommunications and IT industries to build a product which took advantage of this new technology, and solved problematic issues which have frustrated geospatial businesses for years.




Mike Bundock, CEO

64 9 575 5298 Direct



Some of Augview's staff celebrating the Supreme Award
28th of November 2014

Augview takes NZ’s top spatial award

Augview has taken top honours at the inaugural New Zealand Spatial Excellence Awards, taking out the Supreme Excellence Award and the award for Innovation and Commercialisation in Wellington last night

The Award for Innovation and Commercialisation recognises products or projects that made a significant contribution to the industry through the introduction of a new idea, method, technology, process or application resulting in social, environmental and/or economic benefits.
Augview beat out entries from NZ Post and CoreLogic NZ to secure this award, which then put the company up for the Supreme Excellence Award.
The Supreme Excellence Award was selected by the Judging Panel from one of the Organisational category winners that represents the pinnacle of achievement in the spatial industry, bestowed on any project drawn that attains, in the Judges' opinion, the highest level of excellence or achievement.
Augview Chief Executive Officer Mike Bundock said the awards capped off a huge 12 months for the company, following the launch of the Augview application in 2013.
“The integration of an augmented reality capability into a mobile GIS application opens up enormous opportunities for utilities, councils and underground asset owners to reduce their operating costs, enjoy efficiency gains and improve health and safety outcomes for their employees.
“We’re thrilled that our technology has been recognised at the NZSEA awards. Augview has had an excellent response in the market since we first launched the product 12 months ago, and our development of the product continues every day.
“Today, our application is utilised on smartphones and tablets. Our vision is that in the future, users will use Augview through augmented reality glasses. This year we performed our first augmented reality glasses implementation, and over the next 12 months we will be working to complete the totally new user interface the technology enables.”
Since being launched into the market, Augview is now being used by utilities, contractors and asset managers all around the world, making the task of spatially locating and identifying underground assets considerably easier, and also enabling in-field capture and maintenance of asset data.
About Augview
Augview Limited is an augmented reality software development company specializing in the visualization of asset data. We provide utility and telecommunications companies with augmented reality capabilities - equipping field service personnel with cutting edge functionality which provides direct business benefits.
Augview Limited was formed in 2012 when we noticed a large shift in the IT market and decided to focus on the development of a new augmented reality GIS product. We realized that there were a growing number of businesses who were looking for smart mobile solutions that made their workforce more productive using the hardware and technology that they had already adopted.

After researching the mobile hardware market it became apparent that we were on the verge of a major transformation, shifting away from the office workstation and into something much more agile; smartphone and tablet computing. We also realized that many of the limitations which in the past had restricted mobile computing were being solved at a rapid rate. As a result we decided to use our extensive knowledge of the utility, telecommunications and IT industries to build a product which took advantage of this new technology and solved problematic issues which have frustrated geospatial businesses for years.

About the awards
New Zealanders are inventive and innovative with the ability to achieve on a global scale. The spatial profession is no exception to this and so the New Zealand Spatial Excellence Awards (NZSEA) have been formed to recognise excellence in the Spatial Sector. The Awards will seek out and give recognition to the best, the high achievers and contributors who set the benchmarks that others will follow - becoming the role models for the next generation of our profession.
The Awards are a joint venture between the spatial profession, business and government to hold annual awards for all sectors, disciplines and communities that make up the spatial industry. Each partner will contribute its resources and expertise to ensure the awards reach the highest standards of excellence and independence.

Mike Bundock, CEO

64 9 575 5298 Direct

19th of November 2014
When you work with a mobile device it is never nice to have a smeary, dirty tablet or smartphone screen. 
With every Augview license you get a cool multipurpose stylus pen now! Comes in blue or green and besides being a tablet stylus, it is also a pen and a highlighter. Our team love those pens because they are so handy when you have to work on a daily basis with a mobile device.  
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17th of November 2014
Augview has finally entered the Chinese market! Our Ceo Mike Bundock got invited to Shenzhen in China to present to all the major utility owners and contractors. 
Augview has been received with the most amazement!
In order to fit with Chinese tradition we had to change our branding to red and gold since those colours resemble success. Red stands for good fortune and joy, while gold is considered the most beautiful colour.  The Chinese saying, Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies that yellow is the center of everything. Yellow symbolizes neutrality and good luck and is sometimes paired with red in place of gold.  
A while ago we made Augview available in Chinese Language but we now also have got a Chinese language option on our website as well.
Website visitors will also find a link to download Chinese brochures for more information and even the Augview video with Chinese Voice Over.  
We couldn't go to China without being equipped with suitable presents for every occasion as per custom. For the general exhibitions we designed a red stylus pen printed with the Chinese Augview logo on it. 
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17th of October 2014
Augview has been selected as a finalist for the NZ Spatial Awards 2014! 
The winner will be announced on the night of the 27th of November at the InterContinental Hotel
in Wellington. 

nz spatial awards

28th of September 2014
Augview has been invited to attend Digital NatioNZ in Auckland. They are trying to shift the conference to a more digital focus. 
We are one of the few tech companies attending and are getting a lot of attention. 

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2nd of September 2014
Augview is attending the GE Smallworld User Conference
Augview will be there with an exhibition stand and a number of mobile devices showing how Augview works. 

26th of August 2014
Mike Bundock, CEO of Augview, attended the GE Sydney User conference and held a very successful Lightning talk. Presentation details and a short video interview will be coming soon. 

21st August 2014
Mike Bundock, CEO of Augview, attended the GE Bali User conference and held a very successful Lightning talk. Presentation details will be coming soon. 

18th of August 2014
Augview will be attending the ESRI user conference in Auckland with an exhibition stand and a "magic" Augmented Reality trench that explains what Augmented Reality is and how it works. 

Augview stand

Augview stand 2

1st of August 2014
Our lovely part-time developer Amie Wolken has joined the Augview Team now full-time as our Support Manager! 
Due to Amie's previous role she knows Augview well and is fabulous to deal with. 

Amie web

21st of July 2014
We have successfully moved office and are now located on Suite 201, 387 Tamaki Drive in St Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand. 
The office still has a the same spectacular view but it is bigger and nicer and will allow us to grow. 
Feel free to visit us on a Friday afternoon for drinks on the balcony overviewing St Heliers Bay. 

387 Tamaki 3

14th of July 2014
Mike Bundock, Ceo of Augview, is attending the Esri conference in San Diego. Please let us know if 

16th of June 2014
Hatem Taha joined our team as product tester! Hatem speaks Arabic and English and has got a strong technical background. We are delighted to have him in our team. 

Hatem Taha(copy)

28th of May 2014
Mike Bundock, our Augview CEO, is speaking at the Trenchless Conference in Ontario today. For more information visit:

24th of May 2014
Mike Bundock, our Augview CEO, and Sam Parry-Jones, our developer, are at Meta to implement Augview into the Meta Spaceglasses (
The Meta spaceglasses will allow for gesture interactive, hands-free Augview use. We are expecting to see the Meta glasses up and running with Augview mid to end of 2015. Sam and Mike brought 2 Meta SDK kits home to continue with the development and Augview integration. 

1st of May 2014
Our team at Augview welcomes Stephen Jones, our new Sales Executive. 
Stephen's 1st day at Augview had an early start! Mike and him met up at 5.15am on the 1st of May at Auckland airport heading from to Brisbane. 
Good on ya Steve ;D

31 March 2014
The FSM presentation Mike Bundock gave in Sydney is now available as a Powerpoint download from our dropbox directory. 
Please turn "animation" on when playing it down.

14 March 2014
The Augview team welcomes Ralf Haeusler as part of the development team. 

Ralf recently completed a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Auckland, specializing in computer vision. The background of his project is in driver assistance systems and included generating reference data for stereo analysis and confidence estimation for stereo measurements. He worked with leading research groups in computer vision (Daimler Image Understanding, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing) and published in high impact computer science proceedings. 

19 February 2014
Idealog have published an article about Augview

28 January 2014
Mike Bundock, founder of Augview, will be attending the 2014 Field Service Management Summit in Sydney from the 19-21st of March and he will be talking about Mobile Augmented Reality. - Watch this space and let us know if you want to see Augview in action in Sydney!

6 January 2014
Happy New Year! We hope you had a great holiday and got some time to relax. 
Our team is back and we are here to help. Have a great 2014!

24 December 2013
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all our loyal customers, all of our supporters and people out there making contact with us, spreading the word. Have a wonderful new year! 

1 December 2013
Our developers at Augview have finished the Spatial Update feature for point objects. Please contact us for more information. 

2 November 2013
Mike Bundock is attending the Annual FSM summit 26-27th of November 2013 to talk about Mobile Augmented Reality. You will be able to find his presentation HERE.
For more information on the summit:

22 July 2013
The ESRI Lightning talks are on on the 20th of August 2013. Mike Bundock will be speaking. If you have missed his talk about "Analysis of Mobile Device Capabilities: GPS, 
Accelerometer and Compass Accuracy" please click HERE.
For more information about the ESRI Lightning talk agenda:

21 July 2013
Mike Bundock will be talking at the ESRI user conference (19-21 August) about Mobile Device Sensors. If you missed his presentation, please click HERE.
For more information on the ESRI user conference:

20 July 2013
Mike Bundock will be speaking at the GE User Conference in Taupo, 12-14th of August. 
If you missed his talk, please download the slideshow HERE
For more information on the user conference:

5 July 2013
Mike Bundock will be speaking at the GE User conference at the Gold Coast in Australia (7-9th of August 2013). 
Don't miss it! If you would like to review his presentation, please click HERE to download the powerpoint slides. 
For more information about the summit:

15 April 2013
Our website is live. Thank you for taking the time to explore Augview. We welcome any feedback you may have.

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